Ever noticed when someone describes pancake batter consistency they always say "mix it about as thick as wallpaper paste," and if they're explaining how thick to get your wallpaper paste they tell you, "oh, you'll want it about like pancake batter." One of those "chicken and the egg" things no doubt.
Anyways, here are some of my favorite wallpapers through the years. They range from the macabre to the humorous and onto some sensually erotic backdrops.
Back in the day it was common to have male models for figure drawing classes. Women were hired for private sessions but rarely for a group of male artists. It was considered vulgar, and would brand the woman a "tainted dame." |
Back in the day we would demonstrate our toughness by stripping off all protective gear save for our boots, gloves and helmets and buzz around the track like pseudo badasses praying to God we didn't take a spill. Sadly a few of us learned the hard way, it's not how fast you get across the finish line, it's if you get across the finish line. |
Are there any Heath Ledger fans out there? He was a beautiful man and he left us with an ominous question that will survive the ages intact, "Why so serious?" What a Joker he was... |
See? That's what married life will do to you. |
I made this wallpaper with the idea that the skull was recalling memories of his cemetery days. |
I love those bar stools. They're the epitome of luxurious, so naturally the black socks and onyx cuff links had to stay on for the shoot. |
I found this but had to make several changes to get it up to par. It's a fantastic blend of scattered chaos and realistic lighting. |
This has a Toolesque feel to it. Again a found gem but the pupil was so stark and empty I had to interject my violet flaming skull. I simply gave Mr. Cyclopes something to scream about. |
This is a combination of two terrific images, both with gaping white space flattening each one, so I put them together and gave it a sense of depth and playfulness at the same time. |
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