This is a new series where we will peer back into history at a time when Blueboy and Honcho were gods among magazines and an important connection to nudity for many young lads wanting to compare their genitalia growth spurts and/or pubic hair progression to others without the physicality of getting punched in the locker room. We'll call the suite Vintage Stalk cause it's catchy and I'm partial to catchy stuff.
Our first subject is centerfold Jamie Bales shot by veteran photographer Greg Weiner for the April, 1994 issue of Playgirl magazine.
I'm pretty sure he's flossing...and not tryna get a zit |
Jamie plays 12-string air guitar, loves long strolls in the country (naked), and watching himself in a full length mirror while he masturbates to GunsN'Roses' Paradise City.
I wanna swirl my tongue round on that dimple Mr. Bales has on his chin **swooon**
Kinda makes ya wonder where Jamie is now... |