Friday, June 10, 2011

Coulrophobia ~ Fear of Clowns

Tim Curry's infamous role in Stephen King's IT pretty much solidified coulrophobia for millions of people world wide. I hope he's proud of himself lol and I think if he were here I know what he might say...

Well, how about that?

I'll bet they have a specific term for the fear of naked clowns too?
Or maybe even the fear of being at a KISS concert?

British circus offers therapy for adults afraid of clowns

The fear of clowns (Coulrophobia) is the third largest phobia in Great Britain; just behind needles and spiders. The ringmaster of John Lawson’s Circus wants to help people get over their fear of the red-nosed performers by offering a class taught by clowns. Big, scary clowns…

I dunno why people fear clowns? Clowns are happy people that make balloon animals and pull handkerchiefs out of their mouth, right?

Why are the Brits so afraid of something as seemingly ridiculous as a clown? Is it the big red nose? The crazy face paint? The fact that you can fit more than 50 of them in the trunk of Volkswagen?

Things like the fear of leaving your house, the fear of death and the fear of disease all seem like they’d be way ahead of something a silly as worrying that Ronald McDonald may break into your house one night and steal your soul…and maybe your Xbox.

Thursday, June 9, 2011

I'm a Catholic School Kid

So I know what goes on once that morning bell rings and the giant ornamental wooden doors close, sealing off those hallowed halls of wisdom.

the Cars Move Like This... HOT HOT HOT

And our Cars series continues with some videos from the Cars new album, Move Like This

Tuesday, June 7, 2011


The male body is central in Michael Harwood’s picture of a bodybuilder tiptoeing over the kitchen stove. In fact a curious number of his models (there are many more photos to post in this series) have this unique "hovering above everything" quality as if they were all somehow playing a game where one is not allowed to touch the floor or else risk certain death.
One thing is for sure with Michael's brilliant photographs, he has garnered a cult following that will insure his work will never die nor shall it fade away because they each have a timeless quality that all great artwork inherently emits.  


Artist's Statement 
These photographs were taken in my apartment, a rambling, rent-stabilized Chelsea walk-up with a large eat-in kitchen.  Some years ago I discovered its utility as a setting forerotic pictures, conducive to narrative, metaphor and humor, as well as a stimulating and disinhibiting environment for models.
The men in these photos are friends and acquaintances of diverse professional backgrounds.  My method is collaborative and improvisational.  My style is casual, intimate and painterly, which entails the use of low light and fast film.
I create these photographs as evidence of particular erotically charged events, rather than artifacts crafted with an audience in mind.  Yet they have proven to be eminently audience worthy – as well as valued by the models I work with.

All photographs below are toned black-and-white, archival silver gelatin prints, available in limited editions of 17, in dimensions of 8”x10” and 11”x14”. 
Prices provided upon request.

Copyright © 2011 Michael Harwood. All rights reserved.
Crunch (Sam 2009)

Hello (Larry, 1998)

Danny B., My Bike (1992)

Office Work (Larry, 1998)

Still Life with Smoker (1997)

Pit Lick (Dreyden, 2008)

Italic (Matthew Miller, 2008)

Press (Matthew Miller, 2008)

Chain Reaction (Ron, 1997)

Stretch (Doug 2008)

Suckers (Gonzalo, 2010)
Uncle Dave (Anzuelo, 2006 )
Mike (2009)

Squat (Doug, 2008)

Captive (Dreyden, 2008)
Doug's Faun (2006)

Torque (2011)

Copyright © 2011 Michael Harwood. All rights reserved.
